Monday 3 March 2014


Unfortunately the forecast snow didn't materialise at valley level for the trip to Snowdonia at the weekend, there was however a good covering on the tops which were shrouded in low moving cloud for the majority of the weekend.
Camp was made at the foot of Tryfan with glorious views up and down the Ogwen valley.

A nice steady walk up the gulley at the foot of Tryfan from camp as far as the snow covered scramble onto the ridge. Conditions and a lack of proper equipment halted us at this point and we re-traced our steps back to camp. Weather conditions ranged from sun to rain to sleet to snow to wind - typical mountain weather but quite warm while we were moving.

Tea consisted of chicken and mushroom casserole with rice washed down with rather too much Morgan's spiced!

Bed time was clear starry skies which soon deteriorated to high winds and rain which battered the tent all night - not that I knew anything about it due to a Captain Morgan induced sleep!

Sunday morning weather was not much better and we headed back at lunchtime.

All the kit stood up well to the variations in the weather and the TQ3 was outstanding in the gusts.

More testing required on the rest of the kit over the coming months………..

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